Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 16, 19, 20,

Plan and Create

PLAN - Criterion C Maximum 6

Let's look at the assessment rubric:

Let's look at an example of how to start;-)

3 Tasks

1 - Make a list of the resources we will use.
2 - Make a table with the steps needed to create our recipe flyer - Include the time it will take for each step.
3 - Write a paragraph evaluating the plan (saying why it will work;-).

Here's an example to get you started;-)

CREATE - Criterion D Manimum 6

Let's look at the assessment rubric:

Now, use your plan to create your image.

2 Tasks

1. Create image
2. Write a paragraph to say if your plan worked and write about any changes you made to your design.

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