Thursday, December 18, 2008

December 18

Year 8 - When we return we have 7 weeks to complete our entire project. That's not a lot of time.

Today, let's continue with our Investigation until 3pm then you can explore the internet at your leisure.

Happy Holidays Year 8!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

December 11, 12

Year 8 - The electricity problem seems to be solved so we are back on track.

Let's begin the Investigation.

Let's begin.
It always begins with an investigation - sooooo, let's investigate.
You need to document your research. Remember to keep all the url's of the sites you visit. Open a Word Document and type - INVESTIGATE at the top of the page.
1. What is a "Creative Commons license"?
2. What is "copyright protection"?

Here are some sites to check out:,,

3.What is digital story-telling? Explain in your own words.
4. Which programs can we use f or digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.
5. Are either of these tools freeware ( Freeware: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost, monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish . ) ? If, yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is freeware .
6. Find 2 educational dig ital stories online. Supply each URL and give a small summary of each of the stories. (
7. What is a tutorial? Explain in your own words.
8. What is image hosting?
9. Research these the following web hosting services: , and How are they similar? How are they different?
10. What is a storyboard? Explain in your own words.

Friday, December 5, 2008

December 5

Let's begin.

It always begins with an investigation - sooooo, let's investigate. You need to document your research. Remember to keep all the url's of the sites you visit.

Open a Word Document and type - INVESTIGATE at the top of the page.

1. What is a "Creative Commons license"?

2. What is "copyright protection"?

Here are some sites to check out:,,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 4, 5

Year 8 Welcome to CT

The skill that you will learn this term is Digital Storytelling.

The tool that we will use is: Microsoft PhotoStory 3

We will be part of a bigger global project called Life Round Here:

Friday, November 28, 2008

November 28 - Last Class

Year 8 - this is it! It's time to part but don't despair because we will meet again next year.

To finish up you must EVALUATE

The evaluation has 3 parts -
-1)asking others to rate your movie then analyzing the feedback
-2)describe how well you worked at each stage of the design cycle (Investigate, Design, Plan, Create) and how you can improve
-3)describe and explain how your photostory will impact life, society or the environment.

Print your work and put it on my desk please. All work is due TODAY!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 20, 21

Merits for being responsible and meeting commitments:
Bianca -1, António - 1, Rudy - 3, Kiko - 3, Luís - 3 Thank you for caring about your work! Good luck!

Year 8 - You should all be finished with your storyboards (Criterion B - Design) and you should be creating your PhotoStory today.

Remember that you must document the creation process. Take screen shots (print screen) and paste it into Paint. Then, save as a JPEG. It will then be easy to insert.

I will Not be here tomorrow (Friday, Nov 21) - I will be at a conference in Lisbon. Therefore I would like you to continue.

You must upload your video to either Google Video, Tiny Pic, or Photobucket and then embed it into your blog. You must then ask at least 5 others to evaluate your movie and fill in your questionnaire.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 13, 14

Year 8, this is the moment we have been waiting for! CREATE (Criterion D)
Let the fun begin!

November 6, 7

Year 8, Continue with your Storyboards.

Design (Criterion B) due November 7 (end of class)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30, 31

Year 8 - Mid-Term Break

Have a great week!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 23, 24

Year 8 - Let's storyboard!!!

What is a storyboard? According to Computer Desktop Encyclopedia ( A storyboard is
a sequence of images and annotations for a cartoon, animation or video. Storyboards are previews of the final version and typically contain mockups rather than final art and images. Before computers, storyboards were drawn with pen and ink on lightweight cardboard.

The earliest storyboards date from the cartoon and animation industry of the 1920s, including the talented artists at Walt Disney's original California studio. Above you see a photo of Walt Disney (with 2 children) and a storyboard.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 16, 17

Year 8
First, Let's open the Plan (Criterion C) and look at how far you got. Let's finish them and hand them in by the end of class today.

Next, let's build a script for your PhotoStory

Early Dismissal Oct 17 - No Classes

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October 8

Year 8 - as you know well done projects all start with a plan!

Today I would like you to work on your Criterion C - Plan

Students are expected to construct a plan to create their chosen product/solution that has a series of logical steps, and that makes effective use of resources and time.

Students are expected to evaluate the plan and justify any modifications to the design.

Your task is to think about all the steps that you need to do to create your photostory (including writing the script, collecting images, etc). Think about how much time it will take to accomplish each step. Think about all the resources that you will need to create your photostory.

Next, I would like you to create an outline or timeline that you will follow when you actually create your photostory. Include the steps, time, and resources;-)

You may use any tool that you like to record your plan: Microsoft Word 2007, Microsoft Visio,
Timeline maker:,
another timeline maker:

Please be respectful of your substitute teacher.

Please finish your Plan today.

Don't forget to make your reflection in your blog.

If you stay on task and work hard, you may have 15 minutes at the end of class to "explore" the internet at your leisure. In other words, if you work hard you can earn 15 minutes at the end of the day where you can play games.

Have a great weekend Year 8!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October 2, 3

Year 8

Tutorials can be a learner's best friend! They provide a step-by-step explanation on how to do something.

We are going to do a tutorial instructing us how to create digital story using PhotoStory 3 for Windows.

Here are a couple of links to get you started;-)

First - Watch the photostory on creating a photostory (hahahaha).

Then follow this tutorial:

You choose the topic as this is just practice.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 25, 26

September 25 Activity Day -- No Classes - Have a great day!

September 26 Period 7 -- Assembly

Period 8 - Finish you Investigations.

When you finish, start the PhotoStory 3 tutorial.

Monday, September 15, 2008

September 18, 19

Year 8 - try this new typing game - it's really fun:

Guiding Question: Can ICT be used to record 21st Century routines? (HI) (ATL)

· Design Brief - State Why/What/Where/Who and How for your problem
- Describe what the problem is and how it relates to HumanHuman Ingenuity or Approaches to Learning
· Research the problem citing your sources in a full, organized bibliography
- Use more than 5 different sources
· State which information you found to be useful/and not useful and why?
· Include these questions:
1. What is digital story-telling? Explain in your own words.
2. Which programs can we use f or digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.
3. Are either of these tools freeware ( Freeware: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost, monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish . ) ? If, yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is freeware .
4. Find 2 educational dig ital stories online. Supply each URL and give a small summary of each of the stories.
5. What is a tutorial? Explain in your own words.
6. What is image hosting?
7. Research these the following web hosting services: , and How are they similar? How are they different?
8. What is a storyboard? Explain in your own words.

· Design Specification - List what your product is going to be, be like, be used for, be able to do and be made with (bullet point this list).
The presentation will include: a title page and end page - created with PowerPoint, at least 10 photos, at least 1 photo should include text , 1 photo should have an “transition/motion”, background music, narration (voice overlay) appropriate to topic., and less than 2 minutes. Each student presentation should creatively display relative information.
· Test Plan - Describe a test that will check each point in your design specification
-Make sure that you describe who the test is for and how it will be used

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5

Year 8, remember to look for patterns this term in all that you do! Make note of the patterns in your blog.
Now it's time to begin the INVESTIGATION
Open Word 2007.
Click on the Insert tab.
In the extremel left-hand column, click on Cover Page.
Take a few minute to explore this aspect of Word 2008.
After choosing a Cover Page title it "Year 8 Unit of Work".
You can also include your name and the date.
Next, go to the next page and type INVESTIGATE at the top.Now let's start researching;-)Investigate *Remember to record the URL and name of the sites you visit AND the images you collect.
The MYP Investigate (Criterion A) has several focuses:
1. Students identify the problem to be solved,
2. Students develop the design brief,
3. Students formulate a design specification.
Remember our problem is: How could you use ICT to record early 21st century routines?
1. What is digital story-telling? Explain in your own words.
2. Which programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.
3. Are either of these tools freeware (Freeware: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost, monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish.)? If, yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is freeware .
4. Find 2 educational digital stories online. Supply each URL and give a small summary of each of the stories.
5. What is a tutorial? Explain in your own words.
6. What is image hosting?
7. Research these the following web hosting services: , and How are they similar? How are they different?
8. What is a storyboard? Explain in your own words.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 4

Year 8 - Welcome to ICT!

Blogs are primarily a communication tool. People are more motivated when their blogs are visited and comments are made. I love visiting your blogs. However, I have more than 115 blogs to visit and, unfortunately, am unable to make it to all of your blogs on a timely basis.

Therefore, we will organize groups whereby students within that group will visit and comment on each other's blogs and actively participate in each other's learning. Also, invite your friends and family to visit your process journal/blog.Create a link list in the side bar to add links to the other members of your group.

Way to go Year 8. This is going to be a great term!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 23/26

Year 8 - we are crossing the finish line.

Today you should have your final photostory uploaded to your blog.

Today you should work on (and hopefully finish) your Evaluation.

Monday, June 16, 2008

June 16/19

Year 8 - The sun is shining and you are rested from last week's holidays. Let's stay focused and try to finish our project by Thursday! That would allow you to have time to explore the www your way!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A. Comment on your finished photostory. In the text error free? Are you happy with the outcome?
• Is the movie error free?
• Evaluate the product against the Design Specification. Does the newsletter meet the design specification? Explain.
• Are you happy with the outcome? Explain
• Look critically at your final project. If you had the opportunity to change something what aspect would you change and why?
• Did you encounter (have) any problems? Refer to your “process journal/blog” for details.
• Comment on your own performance throughout each stage of the project (investigate, design, plan, create, evaluate).
• If you had the opportunity, would you change anything? If yes, what aspect would you change and why? Refer to your “process journal/blog” for details)
• How could you use PhotoStory 3 in the future?

B. Product Analysis - Student will solicit feedback from others.
• Student will produce a list of 5 questions and post them to the student blog to solicit the evaluation of 5 others (classmates, parents, friends, teachers). Answers should be included on the blog post as comments.
• Analyze the feedback

June 12

Quiet on the Set, Year 8 - You should be recording by now. This is the fun part.

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 9

Year 8 - We are lucky and meet both times this week (Monday and Thursday). This will give us plenty of time to work on your project. You should be at the CREATE stage by now.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 5

Happy "Environment Day - 2008" Year 8

According to Wikipedia, "World Environment Day (WED) was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. WED is hosted every year by a different city and commemorated with an international exposition through the week of June 5."

Here is a link to the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme) which offers a wealth of info:

Then continue with your Create!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 2

Year 10 - Looking into the future is always fun.

Check out this link to hear what "those in the know" have predicted for the year 2058:
Take 10 minutes and make a prediction in your blog about the future.

Then continue with the StoryBoard or start the Create portion of your project.

Now, let's look into YOUR future for June.
June 6 - Create
June 9 - Create
June 12 - Create
June 16 - Evaluate
June 19 - Evaluate

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 29

Year 8

I'm sorry that I'm not with you today but I am a bit "under the weather".

Please continue with your StoryBoard. You must select 3 possible images for each frame. Then you must JUSTIFY your choice. That means that you must say "why" you chose to use a particular image in your final project.

If you finish that, HOORAY. Now start to plan your: Music, Motion, Titles. These must also be included on the storyboard.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 26

Year 8, Wow! Today you should finish the narration part of your story-board. Next, you must gather 3 (three) images for each frame of narration. You will then select the image that you will use and JUSTIFY why you chose that one.

Remember that we are following the Design Cycle set forth by the MYP (Middle Years Program of the IB Organization) and we must produce an array of feasible designs. That's what we are doing by gathering photos and music;-)

PS: The above photo is The Thinker (French: Le Penseur), a bronze and marble sculpture by Auguste Rodin held in the Musée Rodin in Paris. According to Wikipedia, it depicts a man in sober meditation battling with a powerful internal struggle. It is often used to represent philosophy.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 19

Year 8, continue with the Design Portion of the Project.

1) Complete the Narration, frame by frame
2) Music
3) Motion (must have at least 1)
4) Title (must have at least 1)

Year 8, unfortunately we won't meet on Thursday because we have a holiday. You kids are hard workers so enjoy your time off.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15

Year 8 Continue with your Story Board.

First, include your narration - frame by frame

You were correct Year 8 - a doctor listens to his patient's heart using a stethoscope!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 12

Year 8 - Today we will begin the DESIGN part of the project.

You will begin to create a story board for your project.

11. Produce a digital storyboard that will contain the steps for creating your digital story. Justify your choice of image (from at least 3 images gathered and stored in a file) for each frame.

12. Justify your choice of music (from at least 3 options).

(Tutorial for using Word for a storyboard: )

(*Keep in mind: elements that make a story, target audience)

Evaluate against the design specification .

Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 12

Year 8 - This is a Photostory showing how to create a PhotoStory (hahahaha).

Dr. Randy Pausch

This is the YouTube video that I would like to share with you. . .

In turn, you should find a YouTube video that you would like to share with class, embed it on your blog. You will then visit the blog of the person sitting to your left, watch their video and comment on it.

Besides looking at the content, look at the qualities of the video (how professional is it?)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May 8

Year 8 continue with a big part of the project - writing the script. Remember, we decided to create digital stories about your home country/city or a country/city that you have lived in. It's now time to write the text for your story.

First of all, think about what you want others to know about your topic. You will need at least 10 images - so you could organize your data into 5 topics and have 2 images of each. (Remember YOU are the expert;-). (Do you want to show a map? Do you want to include a brief history of your topic? Do you want to include information about: royalty, monuments, museums, food, wine, important people from that city/country, interesting cities, things to do.)

Collect lots of images because you will need to have 3 options/images for each bit of narration. Next week we will be creating a storyboard as part of the Design portion of the project. You will need to show 3 images and justify why you chose the one which will ultimately be in your PhotoStory.

Next organize your ideas in a sequence that will be easy to explain and easy for your audience to understand.

Write a small script. This is the most important part of your presentation. The images you select will be there to emphasize the information you are giving.
If you have any questions about content, please raise your hand!

Let's go, Year 8!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 5

Year 8

After you finish your practice run using the program, upload it to your image host, then embed it on your blog. It look's great, doesn't it?

Next, on to a big part of the project - writing the script. Remember, we decided to create digital stories about your home country/city or a country/city that you have lived in. It's now time to write the text for your story.

First of all, think about what you want others to know about your topic. You will need at least 10 images - so you could organize your data into 5 topics and have 2 images of each. (Remember YOU are the expert;-). (Do you want to show a map? Do you want to include a brief history of your topic? Do you want to include information about: royalty, monuments, museums, food, wine, important people from that city/country, interesting cities, things to do.)

Next organize your ideas in a sequence that will be easy to explain and easy for your audience to understand.

Write a small script. This is the most important part of your presentation. The images you select will be there to emphasize the information you are giving.
If you have any questions about content, please raise your hand!

Let's go, Year 8!

Monday, April 28, 2008

April 28

Year 8 - Please continue creating your "Practice" photostory according to the following Design Specification:

The presentation will include: a title page and end page - created with PowerPoint, at least 10 photos, at least 1 photo should include text , 1 photo should have an “transition/motion”, background music, narration (voice overlay) appropriate to topic, and be less than 2 minutes.

Then upload your digital story to your chosen video host and embed it on your blog!

BUT FIRST, let's run through the procedure of making a title page with PowerPoint.

Well done Year 8!

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 24

Well, Year 8, we did it! The Investigations are over and handed in:-)

We didn't get to the tutorial on Monday - so let's do it now!!!

Follow along on the overhead projector.

*Remember to raise your hand if you have a question;-)

Year 8 Ifound a PhotoStory on How to Create a PhotoStory (cool).

Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 21

Year 8 - Investigations are due today!

I had a great idea - we are going to go through the TUTORIAL together. That way we can benefit from everyone's questions.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 17

Year 8 - Help the Earth! Please take a few minutes out of your class-time to make a difference. As you know April 22 is Earth Day. This is a day that has been set aside to celebrate our great planet. As custodians, it is our responsibility to protect the planet and act as caretakers for future generations.

A Voicethread has been created and will become part of an Earth Day initiative (Earthcast 08 Project). Please contribute to the SDIS Earth Day Voicethread and offer advice for protecting our world.

1. Go to and register
2. Click on Browse
3. Type - SDIS Earth Day, then click on the magnifying glass
4. Record your message

That was quick and easy. You have just added yourself to the list of contributors and helped make the world a better place.

Thank you Year 8.

Now, after you have finished your "Investigation," you can move on to the tutorial. (Click on the word "tutorial" or locate the tutorial in the sidebar;-)

This is way fun!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 14

Year 8 - Let's try to finish the Investigations today!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April 10

Year 8 - Let's forge on with our Investigation . . .
*Remember to record the URL and name of the site s you visit AND the images you collect.
1. What is digital story-telling? Explain in your own words.

2. Which programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.

3. Are either of these tools freeware (Freeware: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost, monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish.) ? If, yes, name.Include the URL for the download.

4. Find 2 educational digital online. Supply each URL and give a small summary of each of the stories.

5. What is a tutorial? Explain in your own words.

6. What is image hosting?

7. Research these the following video hosting services:, and How are they similar? How are they different?
Then choose a video hosting service and open an account.
Finally, explain WHY you chose that service.

8. What is a storyboard? Explain in your own words.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 7

Good Morning Year 8.

Let's continue the Investigation - Do RESEARCH then explain in your own words

Investigate *Remember to record the URL and name of the site s you visit AND the images you collect.

1. What is digital story-telling? Explain in your own words.

2. Which programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.

3. Are either of these tools freeware (Freeware: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost, monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish.) ? If, yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is freewar.

Include the URL for the download.

4. Find 2 educational digital stories online. Supply each URL and give a small summary of each of the stories.

5. What is a tutorial? Explain in your own words.

6. What is image hosting?

7. Research these the following web hosting services:, and How are they similar? How are they different?

8. What is a storyboard? Explain in your own words.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 3

Year 8 thanks for all the comments! I loved reading them.

It's time to begin our Year 8 Unit of Work.

Open Word 2007.
Click on the Insert tab.
In the extremel left-hand co.umn, click on Cover Page. Take a few minute to explore this aspect of Word 2008.

After choosing a Cover Page title it "Year 8 Unit of Work". You can also include your name and the date.

Next, go to the next page and type INVESTIGATE at the top.

Now let's start researching;-)

Investigate *Remember to record the URL and name of the site s you visit AND the images you collect.

1. What is digital story-telling? Explain in your own words.

2. Which programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.

3. Are either of these tools freeware (Freeware: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost, monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish.)? If, yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is freeware .

4. Find 2 educational digital stories online. Supply each URL and give a small summary of each of the stories.

5. What is a tutorial? Explain in your own words.

6. What is image hosting?

7. Research these the following web hosting services: , and How are they similar? How are they different?

8. What is a storyboard? Explain in your own words.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 31

Good Morning Year 8. I changed the template of our Year 8 blog. How do you like it???

Our Year 8 TERM 3 Unit of Work is online! Let's check it out to see what we will be up to this term.

The problem that we are trying to solve is this: How can student diversity be presented digitally in the 21st Century?

The Design Brief is as follows: Following the MYP Design Cycle and using PhotoStory 3 for Windows, the student will create a digital presentation highlighting their country/city of origin.

Let's get started on the Investigation!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 27

Year 8 - the Welcome mat is out as we start Term 3. I'm Ms. Dietrich and I will be your tech-teacher this term. I hope you had a fabulous spring break and are ready to get back to work because we have a FUN project to get started on.
Check out this little video that a group of Year 9's put together for the Technology Assembly in February.

Now, let's take a minute and look at the sidebar where all the documents you need to be successful in this class are stored:-)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

March 6

Year 8, Evaluation (Criterion E) is an important part of any project.

Use the Year 8 Unit of Work as a guide. It's important to be able to evaluate your own work and reflect on your learning. It is just as crucial to solicit feedback from others.

Remember that this is a SELF evaluation and that the more detailed it is, the better.

Write 5 questions to ask others for feedback about your photostory and post them on your blog. Ask 5 class members to visit your blog and answer your questions as a comment. Analyze these comments and include as part of your reflection/evaluation.

Print and hand in before the period is over.

It has been a pleasure working with you Year 8 - I'm looking forward to having you in class again next year in Year 9!

March 3

Year 8 - We are still in the Create phase. Let's finish today.
Remember this is our last week of classes:-( Monday March 10 is an Activity Day and we leave on Wednesday March 12 for Easter Break at 12:30.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February 28

Year 8, when you finish with the Create portion of your project. Please upload your video to Google Videos. Next embed it in your blog.

Create 5 questions for people to consider when they evaluate your project. Post these questions on your blog. Solicit feedback from friends, family, and colleagues!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 25


Year 8 - That's exactly where you should be now - creating PhotoStories with a "WOW Factor".

Our class is drawing to a close and I won't be with you for the last session. Let's quickly look at the calendar so you can organize your time properly.

February 25 Investigate, Design, Plan Due (Print out and hand in. Some of you have already handed in the Investigate - Well done!)

February 25 and 28 - you should Create your product.

March 3 you should upload your PhotoStory to Google Videos then to your blog! Also work on your Evaluation.

March 6 is our LAST day of class. You should finalize your Evaluate and print and hand in your the Create and Evaluate parts of your project.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February 21

Year 8
I came across this banner and thought that it was interesting? What does this mean? Let's take a few minutes to reflect upon this and discuss it (that's what the C stands for in ICT - Communication - hahaha).
You should be either finishing your Plan or beginning the Create portion (the fun part:-) of the project. Let's have a great class again today!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 14

Click to Mix and Solve

Happy Valentine's Day Year 8

After you solve the jigsaw puzzle, finish the Plan portion of the project.

Enjoy Activity Day tomorrow!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

February 11 - Welcome Back

Welcome Back Year 8

Every successful project starts with a good plan. Planning is essential for a number or reasons: it helps us finalize our ideas, organize our work, and keep us on task. So today we will work on the Plan portion of our project. To do so, we will use a new program Microsoft Office Visio. Let's get started!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 31

Year 8 - We are interested in the DESIGN CYCLE, not the Lunar Cycle - that's another class completely.
This morning we are going to recap and focus on the MYP Technology Design Cycle.
The Design Cycle has 5 stages: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate
We will create a Design Cycle drawing with Word 2007 (Smart Art) and upload it to our blogs. It's a snap.
1) Open Word 2007
2) Click on the Insert Tab
3) Click on Smart Art (in the Illustrations Group)
4) In the left-hand sidebar click on Cycle
5) Choose a template and create your Design Cycle - the use of color will make it attractive and professional looking. Experiment and try out different Smart Art Styles (it's fun!).
6) Open Paint
7) Copy and Paste your final product to Paint
8) Click on File
9) Click on Save As
10) Under the "File Name" click on the box "Save as Type"
11) Scroll down until you find JPEG
12) Give your drawing a name and save it as a JPEG
13) Open your blog to a new posting
14) Click on the Picture Icon and upload your JPEG file
You did it!!! It was that easy!!!!!
Now make sure that you have your Investigation finished. Print it and give it to me before your leave class today.
Also, remember to record your progress in your Process Journal/blog.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 28

Everyone's first digital movie should now be online. Some people will have their video online twice. I think Google Videos is the answer. While not everyone had problems uploading their video to PhotoBucket, enough of us did to search elsewhere (another investigation;-)

The next thing we need to complete is the Storyboard Tutorial, then create your own Storyboard for YOUR digital story.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 24

Good Morning Year 8

Let's try Google Video :-) They are located here:

If you have a Blogger account (and you do), you already have an account with Google and all you need to do is log into Google Video. If you have a blogger account, you automatically can use all of their services without registering for each of the services. Pretty easy, huh?

Let's all try it (even if you have your digital story online).

Sunday, January 20, 2008

January 21

Year 8 - Let's make sure we are all on track.

Have you written your poems in English class?

1)First of all let's make sure that all digital stories are online. IF your photostory is NOT online, please raise your hand so we can assist you.

2) Second, make sure that your Investigation has been completed.

3) Third, look at the Storyboarding tutorial.

We want to make sure that we are all on-task and that noone is left behind;-)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 17

Year 8 - About your investigation?????

Have you finished your investigation? Check your folder as we began building the Design Folder on December 10.

Here are the questions that you have so far:
INVESTIGATION - Use a search engine (like Google or Yahoo) to research "digital storytelling".
1)What is digital storytelling? Explain in your own words.
2)What programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.
3)Are any of these tools open-source? (Open-source tools are are free! Another name is Freeware.) If yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is open-source.
4) Find 2 digital stories online. Supply the URL (web address) and describe each of the stories
5)What is the difference between a digital story and an oral story?
6) What is a "tutorial"? Explain.
Remember to keep all of the URL's for documentation purposes.

Now add these new questions:
7) What is "image hosting"? Explain.
8) List 3 online image hosting sites.
9) Do ALL image hosting sites allow movie files? Explain.

Now let's look at another kind of tutorial - storyboarding. It's located here:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

January 14

After completing your practice photostory we will go about the process of putting them online. Although this is NOT difficult, there are many steps and it can be a little time consuming. Please be patient.

1) Go to and open an account .
2) Upload your photostory as a video
3) Highlight the HTML code and right click to copy it
4) Open a new post on your blog
5) Select the Edit html tab on your post
6) Paste in the code
7) Click on Publish Post

Congratuations! You have just embedded your video!

Term 2 Homework Schedule

Please be advised that the Term 2 Homework Schedule is as follows:

1) Reflection in your Process Journal/Blog - 2 times per week.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 10

Get a Voki now!

Seeing is NOT the same as doing. On Monday I provided you with a demonstration of how the program PhotoStory 3 works. Now it's your turn. Using some photos - either from your folder on the school's server or gather them from the internet - create your first practice digital story:-)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

January 8

Welcome back Year 8. It's been a long break and I hope you are rested and ready to get on with our PhotoStory project.

Have you completed the investigation? If not, finish that today. Then let's move on to the tutorials. There is a PhotoStory 3 tutorial located in the sidebar.

If you need a headset to listen to the tutorial, just ask;-)

Let the fun begin!