Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 31

Year 8 - We are interested in the DESIGN CYCLE, not the Lunar Cycle - that's another class completely.
This morning we are going to recap and focus on the MYP Technology Design Cycle.
The Design Cycle has 5 stages: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate
We will create a Design Cycle drawing with Word 2007 (Smart Art) and upload it to our blogs. It's a snap.
1) Open Word 2007
2) Click on the Insert Tab
3) Click on Smart Art (in the Illustrations Group)
4) In the left-hand sidebar click on Cycle
5) Choose a template and create your Design Cycle - the use of color will make it attractive and professional looking. Experiment and try out different Smart Art Styles (it's fun!).
6) Open Paint
7) Copy and Paste your final product to Paint
8) Click on File
9) Click on Save As
10) Under the "File Name" click on the box "Save as Type"
11) Scroll down until you find JPEG
12) Give your drawing a name and save it as a JPEG
13) Open your blog to a new posting
14) Click on the Picture Icon and upload your JPEG file
You did it!!! It was that easy!!!!!
Now make sure that you have your Investigation finished. Print it and give it to me before your leave class today.
Also, remember to record your progress in your Process Journal/blog.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 28

Everyone's first digital movie should now be online. Some people will have their video online twice. I think Google Videos is the answer. While not everyone had problems uploading their video to PhotoBucket, enough of us did to search elsewhere (another investigation;-)

The next thing we need to complete is the Storyboard Tutorial, then create your own Storyboard for YOUR digital story.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 24

Good Morning Year 8

Let's try Google Video :-) They are located here:

If you have a Blogger account (and you do), you already have an account with Google and all you need to do is log into Google Video. If you have a blogger account, you automatically can use all of their services without registering for each of the services. Pretty easy, huh?

Let's all try it (even if you have your digital story online).

Sunday, January 20, 2008

January 21

Year 8 - Let's make sure we are all on track.

Have you written your poems in English class?

1)First of all let's make sure that all digital stories are online. IF your photostory is NOT online, please raise your hand so we can assist you.

2) Second, make sure that your Investigation has been completed.

3) Third, look at the Storyboarding tutorial.

We want to make sure that we are all on-task and that noone is left behind;-)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 17

Year 8 - About your investigation?????

Have you finished your investigation? Check your folder as we began building the Design Folder on December 10.

Here are the questions that you have so far:
INVESTIGATION - Use a search engine (like Google or Yahoo) to research "digital storytelling".
1)What is digital storytelling? Explain in your own words.
2)What programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.
3)Are any of these tools open-source? (Open-source tools are are free! Another name is Freeware.) If yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is open-source.
4) Find 2 digital stories online. Supply the URL (web address) and describe each of the stories
5)What is the difference between a digital story and an oral story?
6) What is a "tutorial"? Explain.
Remember to keep all of the URL's for documentation purposes.

Now add these new questions:
7) What is "image hosting"? Explain.
8) List 3 online image hosting sites.
9) Do ALL image hosting sites allow movie files? Explain.

Now let's look at another kind of tutorial - storyboarding. It's located here:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

January 14

After completing your practice photostory we will go about the process of putting them online. Although this is NOT difficult, there are many steps and it can be a little time consuming. Please be patient.

1) Go to and open an account .
2) Upload your photostory as a video
3) Highlight the HTML code and right click to copy it
4) Open a new post on your blog
5) Select the Edit html tab on your post
6) Paste in the code
7) Click on Publish Post

Congratuations! You have just embedded your video!

Term 2 Homework Schedule

Please be advised that the Term 2 Homework Schedule is as follows:

1) Reflection in your Process Journal/Blog - 2 times per week.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 10

Get a Voki now!

Seeing is NOT the same as doing. On Monday I provided you with a demonstration of how the program PhotoStory 3 works. Now it's your turn. Using some photos - either from your folder on the school's server or gather them from the internet - create your first practice digital story:-)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

January 8

Welcome back Year 8. It's been a long break and I hope you are rested and ready to get on with our PhotoStory project.

Have you completed the investigation? If not, finish that today. Then let's move on to the tutorials. There is a PhotoStory 3 tutorial located in the sidebar.

If you need a headset to listen to the tutorial, just ask;-)

Let the fun begin!