Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 13

Year 8 - it's almost time for a well earned break.

But before we go let's finish the PhotoStory 3 tutorial. Click here to fly through cyberspace to a site with a FREE PhotoStory 3 tutorial.

I have headsets available for you - just raise your hand and I will bring one to you:-)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

December 10

Good morning Year 8

Our adgenda was a little heavy last week so let's continue where we left off.

Reopen you Design Folder (Word 2007 document) and continue with the Investigation (Criterion A).

INVESTIGATION - Use a search engine (like Google or Yahoo) to research "digital storytelling".
1)What is digital storytelling? Explain in your own words.
2)What programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.
3)Are any of these tools open-source? (Open-source tools are are free! Another name is Freeware.) If yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is open-source.
4) Find 2 digital stories online. Supply the URL (web address) and describe each of the stories.
5)What is the difference between a digital story and an oral story?
6) What is a "tutorial"? ExplainRemember to keep all of the URL's for documentation purposes.
7) Now type each of those questions into your new online Design Folder and answer each of those questions completely and carefully. This is part of your Criterion A for the project.

Next, begin the PhotoStory 3 tutorial. Click here to fly through cyberspace to a site with a FREE PhotoStory 3 tutorial. I have headsets available for you - just raise your hand and I will bring one to you:-)

Remember your blog has been created as an online "notebook". Please record all of your finding on your blog. Also before the end of each class, please write a reflection about what you did in class that day.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 6

Today we have some work to do.

First of all let's refresh our memory in regard to the Design Cycle. The Design Cycle is composed of 5 stages: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate. It must follow that cycle. We can't Evaluate before we Create - it's impossible.

As part of your project you must build an online Design Folder and there's no time like the present to start ;-)

Open a Word 2007 document. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon. The extreme left icon says Cover Page - Click on that. Choose a cover page (choose the one you like best. You can change the colors if you wish.) Type your Name, Year 8 Unit of Work - PhotoStory 3 Project. Then create another page and type in very large letters at the top of the page the word "INVESTIGATE".

Now you are ready to proceed with the Investigation (Criterion A).

INVESTIGATION - Use a search engine (like Google or Yahoo) to research "digital storytelling".

1)What is digital storytelling? Explain in your own words.
2)What programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.
3)Are any of these tools open-source? (Open-source tools are are free! Another name is Freeware.) If yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is open-source.
4) Find 2 digital stories online. Supply the URL (web address) and describe each of the stories.
5)What is the difference between a digital story and an oral story?
6) What is a "tutorial"? Explain

Remember to keep all of the URL's for documentation purposes.

7) Now type each of those questions into your new online Design Folder and answer each of those questions completely and carefully. This is your Criterion A for the project.

Begin the PhotoStory 3 tutorial. Click here to fly through cyberspace to a site with a FREE PhotoStory 3 tutorial.

Remember your blog has been created as an online "notebook". Please record all of your finding on your blog. Also before the end of each class, please write a reflection about what you did in class that day.

Today's blog entry:
1)Write a reflection about "the process of creating the blog" (was it difficult? was it easier than you thought it would be? Was it fun? Do you think your blog will be helpful?)
2) Write a reflection about what you did in class today. Mention the Investigation, and Beginning the PhotoStory Tutorial.

December 3 - Welcome to IT

Year 8 - Welcome to IT. My name is Ms. Dietrich and I will be your tech teacher in Term 2.

Our project will be to create a Digital Story using Microsoft PhotoStory 3. It's an open source program that is fun and easy to use.

Let's get started and create a blog. The blog is your process journal. The process journal holds an important role. This is the place where you record your findings, reflect on your work and collect information, data, and web addresses (url's) for future reference. Since each of you has access to our computer room, it just seems natural that your process journal would take place online as well.

Remember, record your blog address, your email address and your password. Your diary would be a great place to house this information.

So Year 8, let's go . . .

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November 29

Year 8 We are at the end of the line :-).

Hard work pays off, doesn't it. Your projects are FANTASTIC! I hope you are as proud of your achievements and I am of each of you.

But before we go, there's one last stage of the Design Cycle: Evaluation

Carry out a full evaluation of your product including areas of improvement. (Was your project successful? Do you like it? Be critical - If you could do it again, how would you change it? Assess your own performance throughout the process of creating the digital story, including your engagement in the project and your ability to meet deadlines).

In addition, upload your project first to Photobucket, then to your blog.

Write 5 questions for people to evaluate your PhotoStory. Next, place them in a posting on your blog. Then, ask 5 people to answer the questions and leave an answer in the "comments" section of your post.

After you gather the information make an analysis of your findings and write a paragraph explaining what people thought on your final document.

Monday, November 26, 2007

November 26

Year 8 - We are almost there.

Continue with the uploading your projects onto your blogs and the evaluation.

I will be grading your projects today.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

November 19

Year 8

We are having soooooo much fun! The storyboard is an aid to you when you are creating the PhotoStory. The Plan is also to help you organize the steps that you will need to take to create your PhotoStory.

Keep working toward your goal. Once you are ready to build/record your PhotoStory, please see me and I will give you a headset to use.

Great Work Year 8!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 15

Year 8 - Continue with the Plan portion of your project.

IF you have finished, now comes the fun part: CREATE! This is what we have really been waiting for - hahahaha.

You may open PhotoStory 3 and begin building your final project. This should not take very long because you have your storyboard to assist you.

We are almost done. You will be continuing on the carousel at the end of the month - I will miss you!!!!!

If you have any questions or concerns, please talk with me.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 12

Good Morning Year 8! You guys are great! You are working at full-speed now - way to go!

After you have finished your story board you need to continue with the Design Cycle.

We are now at the PLAN stage.

Include a step-by-step plan (flow chart or timeline) for your project , which explains in which order you will work on your PhotoStory (a step-by-step set of instructions which charts the order in which you will complete tasks : research, text, graphics, tutorial).

Use Visio 2007 to create your Flowchart.

1)I would like you to create 6 boxes (Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate, Process Journal). Connect the first 5 boxes with arrows (the arrows should flow in 1 direction - from investigate to design to plan to create and finally to evaluate. No arrow is needed for your Process Journal.).

2) Please include the step-by-step instructions in the PLAN box.

3) Please include your blog address in the Process Journal box.

You should be able to finish this in 1 double period.

If you need help, please raise your hand:-)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 8

Year 8

Continue with: 1) the writing of your narration and 2) complete your Storyboard

You guys are working so hard! Keep it up Year 8!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

November 5

Welcome back Year 8! I hope you are rested and ready to go! We have a lot to do in the next few weeks.

This week we will begin the Design part of the project.

I) You will design a storyboard: Using Word 2007 you will create a table.

The table will have 2 columns and at least 10 rows (to include at least 10 images for your photostory)

1) In one column you will include: a) Narration, b) Music, c) Slide Title (if any), d) Motion (if any) and e) the Reason You Are Including that particular image.

2) In the other you will insert the image.

It sounds complicated, but it's EASY. We will work on it together Monday and Thursday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October 25

Year 8 - It's almost half-term! Hold on just a bit longer and you will have your hard earned break!

1)I would like you to finish the Investigation Portion of your Project by the end of class today.

Show me your work and I will help you to be successful:-)

2)After completing the Investigation, please continue with "building" your presentation. You will WRITE a script (an essay) and NARRATE (to read outloud) your PhotoStory.

We should finish the essay today (you have a double period) so we can begin the Design when we return in November. We will need time to complete the storyboard.

This is going to be so COOL!

Let's enjoy our tasks BUT please keep the noise level down!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

October 22

Good Morning Year 8

We have lots to do today - so let's get going;-)

Finally I finished your Unit of Work and it is now online. You can find it in 2 places.
  • On the Year 8 IT blog the link for the UNIT OF WORK is located in the sidebar (it's the first link).
  • It is also located in the Year 8 Folder on the School's Server

We need to start our Documentation Folder so:

1) Open a new document in Word 2oo7. Click on the "Insert" tab. On the left you select "Cover Page". This is a new feature of Word 2007. You can select a Cover Page Template and produce a professional looking document. Do that now. Select a cover page and include your name, and the "Year 8 Unit of Work - PhotoStory 3".

2). Type INVESTIGATION at the top of a blank page. Answer the following questions:

a) What is digital storytelling? (Do research and find out what digital storytelling is. Include 2 different programs that could be used. Are either of these programs "open source" (that means FREE).
b) What is "image hosting"? Where can one store (put) a finished PhotoStory online? (Name 2 sites) Why would someone want to do that? Are any of these services "open source" (free)?
c) What is storyboarding? Give details. When is it appropriate (in other words - When would someone produce a storyboard and why?)?

3). When you finish this you may continue with your project.

Thanks Year 8!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Year 8

This morning we will continue with our gathering of images to be used in the creation process.

After you have finished that you should begin building your text. You will write a "script" that will be used in the storyboarding process.

This is the last class period that we will devote to images. Work hard!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 15 - 2 Tasks

Good Morning Year 8

1-This morning we will continue gathering images (photos, illustrations, clip art) and information in regard to your PhotoStory topic.

2-Read this document regarding 7 steps to creating a digital story

Remember to continue documents all your research - record all URL's and the name of the site you visit.

On Thursday, we will begin building our Design Folder.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

October 11

The Age of Discovery

Year 8 this is a fascinating time period. So much was going on! The technology needed to build a ship that could carry men around the world was available so change was "in the air".

Each of us is going to build a photostory focusing on one aspect/person/event during this time period. (This is going to be so much fun!)

Imagine that you are doing research for a future television documentary entitled "The Age of Discovery" that you want to sell to the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). The pilot episode is to focus on your topic and it is extremely important that you gather enough data to convince BBC executives in an upcoming meeting to support your project.

1) Choose your topic. Be specific.
2) Begin to gather photos and do research regarding your topic.

Here are some links to help get you started:

Manuel I of Portugal
The Explorers
Manueline Architecture
Vasco da Gama 1460-1524
Portuguese Ships

But when you need to take a break check out the link to these games ;-)
Merchants of the Great Exchange and Whose Lunch Is It Anyway?

October 8 (Today is Columbus Day in the US)

Year 8

1) If you haven't uploaded your Practice PhotoStory - do it today.

2) View your work online :-) The PhotoStories are fabulous!

3) Reflect on your PhotoStory. What do you like? What don't you like? What would you do differently? How can it be improved?

4) View 4 of your classmates PhotoStories. Leave comments on their blogs offering encouragement and saying what you liked about their photostory.

Write your comments on your blog. Write in complete sentences and give lots of detail and information (be thorough).

Remember we are following the Design Cycle and will have to complete a Design Folder for Assessment.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October 4

Year 8 - We have troubles!?!?!? I can't determine the problem for uploading our photostories onto Photo Bucket. It should work.

Let's backtrack.

I. Open your Practice PhotoStory
1) Click on Start
2) Click on Photo Story 3 for Windows
3) Select "Edit a Project" then hit next
4) Keep hitting next until you get to the "Save Your Story" screen
5) "What do you want to do with your Photo Story?" - Select "Save your story for playback on your computer."
6) File Name - Specify the location and file name for your story - Click "Browse" and save.

The file should be saved as a "wmv" file.

II. Open your PhotoBucket account
1) Upload your photostory to your Photo Bucket album

III. Now you can embed your photostory into your blog
1) Open your blog
2) Click on New Post
3) Make sure that you click on the "Edit Html tag" so you can easily embed your photostory code from Photo Bucket
4) In Photo Bucket select and copy the HTML code for your photostory
5) Paste this code into your blog post
6) Click on Publish Post
That was easy!

Now, let's make sure that everyone has done that correctly and has been successful in uploading his/her photostory.

Wow, that concludes the practice portion of our program (hahaha).

Now it's time to talk about our "real" project and begin the investigation phase.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

October 1

Year 8 - Hope you had a great weekend AND had a great time at the BBQ sponsored by the PTA (Thank You PTA).

Let's Investigate

1) What is "Image Hosting"?

2) Go to and open an account. It's easy!

When you finish your "practice" photostory, you will be able to upload a copy of your photostory to Photo Bucket and store it there. Next, you will then have the capability of embedding your creation into your blog for all of cyberspace to see! It's so cool!

3) Finish your "Practice" photo story.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

September 27


No IT Classes :-(

BUT have a great day!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

September 24

Year 8 today we are going to venture into the world of PowerPoint 2007. We are going to explore the new format. It is easy to make title pages and pages with text to insert into our final PhotoStory. We will save the PowerPoint slides we create as images.

We are soooo tech savvy!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

September 20

Good Morning Year 8.

Wow, we are really moving along on learning the techniques needed for using PhotoStory 3. You all are working hard! Well done!

1 - Investigation. What is "storyboarding"? Do a search using a search engine like Google or Yahoo to answer this question. Write the answer on your blog IN A COMPLETE PARAGRAPH (please).

2. Storyboarding - Let's look at a tutorial explaining how to storyboard our projects.

3. Now for the FUN part. Continue working on your first PhotoStory!

Keep up the good work Year 8!

Monday, September 17, 2007

September 17

Hope you had a great weekend Year 8.

1) Have you finished the tutorial?

2) We will look at another tutorial together to make sure that we all understand what the elements are that go into creating a digital story using PhotoStory 3 :-)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 13

Good morning Year 8. Wow! It's Thursday already.

1. Check the comments that I left on your blogs.

2. António, Rodrigo, Diogo, Sietska, Ana and Madalena please see me.

3. Finish any work from Monday (Sept 10). Check the blog if you have forgotten the assignment.

4. Begin the PhotoStory 3 Tutorial - click on the link below:

5. Look at this digital story - it is someone's humanities project that was shared on YouTube.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

September 10 - Assignment

Questions, questions and more questions!

Today we will learn how to post links to our blog. We will insert them into a new post and to a link list in the sidebar.

Saving URL's (Uniform Resource Locator, previously Universal Resource Locator, is the unique address for a file that is accessible on the Internet) is important to know how to do because we will need to be able to do this. Remember your blog is your process journal and you will need to record important information that you will need to complete your design folder.

  1. Let's practice posting links in our blogs.
  2. INVESTIGATION - Use a search engine (like Google or Yahoo) to research "digital storytelling".
    What is digital storytelling?
    What programs can we use for digital storytelling?
    Are any of these tools open-source? (Open-source tools are are free! Another name is Freeware.)
    Remember to keep all of the URL's for documentation purposes. (We will need this information when we are creating our design folder for assessment).
  3. INVESTIGATION - Find 3 examples of photostories online. Record the URL's. How were the PhotoStories used? Were they personal? Were they scholatic?

September 6 Relection

Well, our class was full of activity today. We all should have our own blog now and have recorded (written down) the blog address, our email address and the password.

Today we learned how to insert an image into a post and into the sidebar. Well done Year 8. If you need a review, please look at the posting below this one - it should help.

We didn't complete the tasks on our assignment list today. Not to worry - they will be re-assigned for the week of Sept 10.

Have a great weekend and Happy Blogging!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Inserting a photo is easy

Inserting a photo into your blog is easy.
1. Create a new post
2. Look at the toolbar - you will see an icon (a little picture) for an image (it's located between the ABC - spell check icon and the Film icon)
3. Click on the Add Image Icon
4. A box will open asking if you want to add a picture from your computer or directly from the www
5. Select your preference
6. Choose a layout
7. Choose image size
8. Click on the orange button: Upload Image
It was that easy. Now you try it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Thursday, September 6

IT tasks (for a great group of students:-D )

In keeping with our goal to become a "paperless" classroom, today's assignment is listed below.

  1. Finish creating blog
  2. Write a reflection about "the process of creating the blog" (was it difficult? was it easier than you thought it would be? Was it fun? Do you think your blog will be helpful?)
  3. We will learn how to insert a picture into a blog.
  4. INVESTIGATION - Use a search engine (like Google or Yahoo) to research "digital storytelling".
  • What is digital storytelling?
  • What programs can we use for digital storytelling?
  • Are any of these tools open-source? (Open-source tools are are free! Another name is Freeware.)

Remember to keep all of the URL's for documentation purposes. (We will need this information when we are creating our design folder for assessment).

5. Begin the PhotoStory 3 tutorial. Click here to fly through cyberspace to a site with a FREE PhotoStory 3 tutorial.

Remember your blog has been created as an online "notebook". Please record all of your finding on your blog. Also before the end of each class, please write a reflection about what you did in class that day.

Our blogs have been created as a tool to help when we are completing our projects and evaluating our work at the end of the term.

Hi Year 8

Year 8, I just couldn't resist!

I have created a blog to post assignments. We have our website which will house all of our important documents, but I decided that I would create a blog to help you keep on task during our class sessions.

So, watch this spot. . .

PS: I would LOVE it if you left comments on my blog (hahaha).