Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26, 27, 29, 30

Today we will be creative as we Design the product/solution!

Design: Criterion B Maximum 6 points

Students are expected to generate several feasible designs that meet the design specification and to evaluate these against the design specification.

Students are then expected to select one design, justify their choice and evaluate this in detail against the design specification.

To get a 5/6: the student generates more than 2 feasible designs, and attempts to evaluate them against the design specification. The student attempts to justify the chosen design and evaluate it against the design specification.

Today, using pencil and paper you will create 3 possible designs, choose one evaluate it in detail against the design specification items #1, 2, 3.


Please use the following Design Specification:

The final product must include:

1. Color - you must incorporate color
2. Recognizable - the building must be easily recognizable
3. Positive contribution to the perfect city
4. 3-D
5. Rooms must have a specific purpose (example: in a Restaurante there are several "rooms": dining room, kitchen, storage area, WC, staff room, etc.
6. 2 inside rooms are "decorated" (can use items from the 3-D Warehouse)

To test my product I will create a questionnaire. On a scale of 1-5, 1=awful and 5=awesome, please answer the following questions.

1. Did you find the color I used appealing?
2. Was it easy to recognize the purpose of my building from the design?
3. Do you feel that my choice of building would positively contribute to a "perfect" city?
4. Was my 3-D drawing complete?
5. Was it easy to identify the purpose of the inside rooms from their structure and location in the building?
6. Were my rooms decorated appropriately?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 19, 20, 22, 23

Develop a Design Brief: Answer the following questions. Write in complete sentences. Use in-text referencing.

1.What is Google Sketchup7?
2.What does CAD stand for?
3.What can a CAD program do? Explain and include details.
4.Which professions use CAD programs? (Name at least 3)
5.Decide which building you will contribute, and then research this type of building. Include images of at least 3 different buildings and evaluate each to gather ideas and information.
6. What is Google Sketchup’s 3-D Warehouse? Explain in your own words and include details.
7. How can you use the 3-D Warehouse to help you? Explain in your own words and include details.

Learning objective: The student will develop research strategies, record sources and document learning.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 12, 13, 15, 16

Year 8 - Term 3 has already started so let's get down to business;-)

Today we will look at the Unit of Work and the Assessment Rubric and then begin our Investigation.

Remember that there are 3 separate tasks in the Investigate stage of the Design Cycle: Identify the problem, Develop a design brief, Formulate a design specification.

Today during class we will complete 1: Identify the problem

Write a paragraph that will Identify the Problem (minimum of 5 or 6 sentences )
To ensure success follow this template. . .

1 sentence - State the problem that you are going to solve. *

1 sentence - Restate (say again in your own words) the problem (from Unit of Work)

2-3 sentences - Say why you think this project is relevant (why are we building the perfect city using Google SketchUp?)

1-2 Sentences – Say how you will solve the problem

1-2 sentences – Say how Human Ingenuity connects to your project

*Example: The problem I am going to solve in IT class this term is, “How can Google SketchUp help me contribute to my community?"

This is due today. Please submit at the end of class today.