Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 12

Good Morning Year 8! You guys are great! You are working at full-speed now - way to go!

After you have finished your story board you need to continue with the Design Cycle.

We are now at the PLAN stage.

Include a step-by-step plan (flow chart or timeline) for your project , which explains in which order you will work on your PhotoStory (a step-by-step set of instructions which charts the order in which you will complete tasks : research, text, graphics, tutorial).

Use Visio 2007 to create your Flowchart.

1)I would like you to create 6 boxes (Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate, Process Journal). Connect the first 5 boxes with arrows (the arrows should flow in 1 direction - from investigate to design to plan to create and finally to evaluate. No arrow is needed for your Process Journal.).

2) Please include the step-by-step instructions in the PLAN box.

3) Please include your blog address in the Process Journal box.

You should be able to finish this in 1 double period.

If you need help, please raise your hand:-)

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