Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sept 14, 15, 17, 18

Year 8 - It's true what they say - One picture is worth a thousand words.

Our first unit will allow each of you to be creative as you develop and manipulate graphics.

Let's look at the Graphics Unit of Work and begin our investigation.

Remember there are 3 tasks in the Investigate: Identify the problem, Develop a design brief, Formulate a design specification

Check out these 2 pages: and
Looks closely at the images. Are the images on one blog more appealing? Why?

Your homework is to create a detailed blog post in which you reflect on what you learned in class today. Look at the class blog which lists you assignment.

Learning objective: begin following the Design Cycle - investigation by identifying the problem, comparing and contrasting images.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hi there, I'm wondering why you chose my Caramels, Bonbons et Chocolats blog for your assignment?
One of your students left a series of insulting, poorly spelled comments on my blog, one of them calling my newborn baby ugly.
Very kind.
Good luck,