Sunday, December 9, 2007

December 10

Good morning Year 8

Our adgenda was a little heavy last week so let's continue where we left off.

Reopen you Design Folder (Word 2007 document) and continue with the Investigation (Criterion A).

INVESTIGATION - Use a search engine (like Google or Yahoo) to research "digital storytelling".
1)What is digital storytelling? Explain in your own words.
2)What programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used.
3)Are any of these tools open-source? (Open-source tools are are free! Another name is Freeware.) If yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is open-source.
4) Find 2 digital stories online. Supply the URL (web address) and describe each of the stories.
5)What is the difference between a digital story and an oral story?
6) What is a "tutorial"? ExplainRemember to keep all of the URL's for documentation purposes.
7) Now type each of those questions into your new online Design Folder and answer each of those questions completely and carefully. This is part of your Criterion A for the project.

Next, begin the PhotoStory 3 tutorial. Click here to fly through cyberspace to a site with a FREE PhotoStory 3 tutorial. I have headsets available for you - just raise your hand and I will bring one to you:-)

Remember your blog has been created as an online "notebook". Please record all of your finding on your blog. Also before the end of each class, please write a reflection about what you did in class that day.

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