Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 30, Dec 1, Dec 3, Dec 4

Year 8

Evaluations are due today;-)

Any back work is due today;-)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 23

EVALUATE - Criterion E Maximum 6 Let's look at the Assessment Rubric

To get a 5/6 the student: uses the test to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification and considers the views of the customer. The student evaluates his/her own performance in achieing a good product/solution and suggests ways in which these could be improved. The student considers the impact of the product/solution on life, society, and/or the environment.

1. Upload image to your blog,
2. Show it to at least 5 colleagues and let them complete your questionnaire,
3. Write a PARAGRAPH evaluating this feedback and suggestioning improvements,
4. Evaluate your own performance at EACH stage of the design cycle and suggest ways to improve,
5. Write a PARAGRAPH considering how your final product impacts life, society, and/or the (virtual) environment.

These need to be finished today or for HOMEWORK.
Term 1 is ending. We will begin our new project VERY soon!!!!!

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 16, 19, 20,

Plan and Create

PLAN - Criterion C Maximum 6

Let's look at the assessment rubric:

Let's look at an example of how to start;-)

3 Tasks

1 - Make a list of the resources we will use.
2 - Make a table with the steps needed to create our recipe flyer - Include the time it will take for each step.
3 - Write a paragraph evaluating the plan (saying why it will work;-).

Here's an example to get you started;-)

CREATE - Criterion D Manimum 6

Let's look at the assessment rubric:

Now, use your plan to create your image.

2 Tasks

1. Create image
2. Write a paragraph to say if your plan worked and write about any changes you made to your design.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 9, 10 12, 13

Year 8, Let's complete Criterion B - Design today. Please hand in your work at the end of the class.

1. Finish creating your designs - label them Design 1, Design 2, and Design 3. Make sure they have appropriate detailing and add explanations if necessary. Remember I need to know/understand what you intend to create;-).

2. Evaluate each design against your design specification
For example: Design 1 meets the design specification because . . .

3. Choose 1 design and justify your choice and evaluate it against the design specification.

Finish all classwork as homework

Learning objectives: create designs and communicate them using different forms and conventions

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2, 3, 5, 6

Welcome back Year 8! Hope you had a great break and are now ready to continue along the Design Cycle.

Today we will be creative as we Design the product/solution!

Design: Criterion B Maximum 6 points

Students are expected to generate several feasible designs that meet the design specification and to evaluate these against the design specification.

Students are then expected to select one design, justify their choice and evaluate this in detail against the design specification.

To get a 5/6: the student generates more than 2 feasible designs, and attempts to evaluate them against the design specification. The student attempts to justify the chosen design and evaluate it against the design specification.